VšĮ Pasaulio lietuvių praktikos ir studijų užsienyje centras
Work and Travel! Darbo praktikos, studijos JAV ir kitose šalyse

Virtuali savanorystės užsienyje programa


What is the Online Volunteering Abroad program?
Online volunteer Abroad allows for caring and responsible people to help women and children from impoverished communities from around the world.
People volunteer from their own homes, to educate and empower vulnerable groups, using only about one hour per day, at a time convenient. During the program, the volunteer gets to experience different cultures, make new friends, develop more confidence and polish their cross communication skills. 

Why should I do Online Volunteering Abroad?
  Make a difference by helping others in need.     
     Make a difference by helping others in need.
    Develop your intercultural and communication skills.
     Get excited about exotic cultural experiences.
     Make new friends and feel connected to the global community.
     Add experience to your resume.
     Get the experience of another country, before you travel there.
     Have fun experiences of local cookery, dancing, language and other cultural fun.

Introducing Virtual Volunteering – Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMDapsqdunE&feature=youtu.be  .

How A Virtual Volunteering Program Happens – Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfD9GB9iYe8&feature=youtu.be .

Jeigu Jus domina virtuali – Online savanorystės užsienyje programa, prašom parašyti e-paštu: Pranas@lwc-wt.lt .

